Type the URL and click Validate (with https)
HTML Validation Result of theweather.com
After validating, we found 15 errors and 6 warnings.
15 Errors
1. A “meta” element with an “http-equiv” attribute whose value is “X-UA-Compatible” must have a “content” attribute with the value “IE=edge”. 1 occurrence
'...ang="ru"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <meta...'
2. CSS: Parse Error. 3 occurrences
On line 1, column 11241
On line 1, column 11279
3. Element “script” must not have attribute “async” unless attribute “src” is also specified or unless attribute “type” is specified with value “module”. 3 occurrences
'...noscript> <script async type="text/javascript"> var g...'
On line 1, column 55566
'...</script> <script async class="meteored-ads"> !func...'
On line 1, column 57511
'...</script> <script async> var c...'
4. Duplicate ID “a”. 3 occurrences
'...</g><defs><clipPath id="a"><path ...'
On line 49, column 2735
'...29"><defs><linearGradient id="a" x1="14.5" x2="14.5" y1="29.4" y2=".4" gradientTransform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 29.4)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop ...'
On line 49, column 6502
'...</g><defs><clipPath id="a"><path ...'
5. An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images. 4 occurrences
'...ss="row"> <img src="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/symbols/color/1.svg" width="32" height="32"> <div ...'
On line 1, column 66652
'...ss="row"> <img src="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/symbols/color/3.svg" width="32" height="32"> <div ...'
On line 1, column 67050
'...ss="row"> <img src="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/symbols/color/1.svg" width="32" height="32"> <div ...'
On line 1, column 67423
'...ss="row"> <img src="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/symbols/color/3.svg" width="32" height="32"> <div ...'
6. Attribute “data” not allowed on element “span” at this point. 36 occurrences
'...pan> </h4> <span class="temperatura changeUnitT" data="25|0|">25</sp...'
On line 1, column 66868
'...pan> </h4> <span class="temperatura changeUnitT" data="73|0|">...'
On line 1, column 67241
'...an> </h4> <span class="temperatura changeUnitT" data="27|0|">27</sp...'
On line 1, column 67610
'...an> </h4> <span class="temperatura changeUnitT" data="10|0|">...'
On line 49, column 20157
'...ass="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="12.65|0|">55°...'
On line 49, column 20220
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="5.85|0|">...'
On line 49, column 20800
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="0.35|0|">33°...'
On line 49, column 20864
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="-4.72|0|">24°...'
On line 49, column 21451
'...ass="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="-2.9|0|">27°...'
On line 49, column 21515
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="-4.66|0|">...'
On line 49, column 22104
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="16.09|0|">...'
On line 49, column 22168
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="13.72|0|">...'
On line 49, column 22759
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="9.55|0|">...'
On line 49, column 22823
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="-1.42|0|">...'
On line 49, column 23408
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="18.63|0|">66°...'
On line 49, column 23472
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="16.58|0|">...'
On line 49, column 24071
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="13.51|0|">56°...'
On line 49, column 24134
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="4.24|0|">...'
On line 49, column 24741
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="17.99|0|">...'
On line 49, column 24804
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="7.24|0|">...'
On line 49, column 25390
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="25.09|0|">77°...'
On line 49, column 25454
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="20.16|0|">...'
On line 49, column 26044
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="-4.3|0|">29°...'
On line 49, column 26108
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="-5.03|0|">23°...'
On line 49, column 26709
'...ass="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="-11.34|0|">14°...'
On line 49, column 26774
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="-12.16|0|">10°...'
On line 49, column 27359
'...ass="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="-0.18|0|">32°...'
On line 49, column 27423
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="-5.47|0|">...'
On line 49, column 28018
'...ass="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="19.41|0|">67°...'
On line 49, column 28081
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="7.25|0|">...'
On line 49, column 28682
'...ass="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="16.31|0|">61°...'
On line 49, column 28745
'...g;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="9.35|0|">49°...'
On line 49, column 29329
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="6.63|0|">44°...'
On line 49, column 29392
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="4.54|0|">...'
On line 49, column 30003
'...ss="row"> <span class="maxima changeUnitT" data="3.81|0|">39°...'
On line 49, column 30067
'...eg;</span> <span class="minima changeUnitT" data="-2.79|0|">...'
7. No space between attributes. 1 occurrence
8. End tag “g” did not match the name of the current open element (“svg”). 1 occurrence
9. Stray end tag “g”. 1 occurrence
10. Attribute “data” not allowed on element “use” at this point. 4 occurrences
'...2000/svg"><use xlink:href="#despMas" data="sp3"></use>...'
On line 49, column 10993
'...2000/svg"><use xlink:href="#despMas" data="sp3"></use>...'
On line 49, column 11665
'...2000/svg"><use xlink:href="#despMas" data="sp3"></use>...'
On line 49, column 12172
'...000/svg"> <use xlink:href="#despMas" data="sp3"></use>...'
11. Element “h2” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) 1 occurrence
'...lected3"> <h2>State ...'
12. Element “ul” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) 1 occurrence
'...> </span> <ul id="ul_hijos" class="selectorNoMostrar hijos"> <li c...'
13. Stray end tag “span”. 1 occurrence
14. Bad value “15.8” for attribute “width” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “.” instead. 1 occurrence
'...noopener"><img width="15.8" height="15.8" class="lazy" src="https://www.theweather.com/img/apixel.png" data-src="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/rrss/linkedin.svg" data-srcset="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/rrss/linkedin.svg" alt="Follow us on LinkedIn"></a></...'
15. Bad value “15.8” for attribute “height” on element “img”: Expected a digit but saw “.” instead. 1 occurrence
'...noopener"><img width="15.8" height="15.8" class="lazy" src="https://www.theweather.com/img/apixel.png" data-src="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/rrss/linkedin.svg" data-srcset="https://www.theweather.com/css/v3/svgs/rrss/linkedin.svg" alt="Follow us on LinkedIn"></a></...'
6 Warnings
1. Consider avoiding viewport values that prevent users from resizing documents. 1 occurrence
'...hrome=1"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <link...'
2. The “type” attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources. 3 occurrences
'...noscript> <script async type="text/javascript"> var g...'
On line 1, column 58196
'...endif]--> <script async type="application/javascript" src="https://services.theweather.com/js/loader.js"></scri...'
On line 1, column 64215
'..."ad_top"> <script type='text/javascript'> if (p...'
3. The first occurrence of ID “a” was here. 3 occurrences
'...</g><defs><clipPath id="a"><path ...'
On line 1, column 65693
'...</g><defs><clipPath id="a"><path ...'
On line 1, column 65693
'...</g><defs><clipPath id="a"><path ...'
4. Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles. 4 occurrences
'...:32.303Z"><article class="first-article" data-id="687432"> <di...'
On line 19, column 72
'...s grid-3"><article data-id="686903"> <di...'
On line 29, column 36
'...</article><article data-id="687373"> <di...'
On line 39, column 36
'...</article><article data-id="687380"> <di...'
5. Section lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all sections, or else use a “div” element instead for any cases where no heading is needed. 2 occurrences
'...n> </div> <section class="modulo-mas-noticias first-news"> <div ...'
On line 49, column 30189
'...tem-row"> <section class="noticias-video card"> <div ...'
6. Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values. 1 occurrence
'...0/480);"> <img class="lazy" alt="Spectacular supercell in the city of Tres Arroyos, Argentina" src="https://www.theweather.com/img/apixel.png" data-src="https://services.meteored.com/img/video/preview/dailymotion-x9amz84_480.jpg" data-srcset="https://services.meteored.com/img/video/preview/dailymotion-x9amz84_480.jpg 480w" height="214" width="250" fetchpriority="low" /> <div ...'
HTML Validator
HTML validator. Verifies HTML files for compliance with W3C standards and evaluates code quality against best practices.
HTML Validator is a tool that checks your HTML code for errors or mistakes. It's designed to help you ensure that your web pages are properly formatted, semantically correct, and accessible to users. HTML Validator is a great tool for website owners, developers, and designers who want to create high-quality websites that are easy to use and maintain.
How to Use an HTML Validator:
Using an HTML validator is a simple process. Here are the basic steps:
Enter your website URL.
Run the validator: Click the "Validate" button to run the validator. The tool will scan your HTML code and generate a report that lists any errors, warnings, or other issues.
Review the results: Review the results of the validation report to see what errors or issues have been found. The report will highlight the line of code where the issue was detected and provide a brief explanation of the problem.
Fix any errors or issues: Once you've reviewed the validation report, you can start fixing any errors or issues that have been identified. This may involve editing your HTML code, changing the structure of your web pages, or adding additional content to improve accessibility or user experience.
Re-validate your HTML code: After you've made changes to your HTML code, it's a good idea to re-validate your web pages using the HTML validator. This will help ensure that you've fixed all the issues and that your web pages are compliant with HTML standards.